
I have come back just in time.
There is no pride left in our people.
Pride is a warrior's word.
I have seen much, Santos. And i tell you
pride is not only a warrior's word.

We can look the white man in the eye
and meet him on his own ground.

- In peace?
- A warrior's peace, between equals.

You've heard of the Cherokees. They walk
in peace and hold their heads high,

and work for themselves,
not the white man.

- You have seen this?
- With my own eyes.

Here is the secret of
their pride and their wealth.

Here is the seed of a new life for our tribe.
The corn of Tahlequah.
I ask you, Santos, call the young men
together that l may speak to them.

There are no young men here.
Even the young are old now.

But will they not say that
growing corn is woman's work?

I am a warrior. What i do
can never be woman's work.

And what Cherokees do,
Apaches can do bettler.

The young men will follow me.
A rabbit like Hondo,
we will change all that.

Squaws are for men.
Such thoughts come
too fast for an old man.

You are weary, and the young men
are out working on the road.

Sleep now. Sleep, Massai.
I am weary.
And it's been long
since i drank aguardiente...

and long since i closed both eyes.
You can close both eyes here.
Tell me, does Mr Weddle pay
for the work on the road?

- Except when he is angry.
- And he is always angry.

It is hard to be a man of peace.
It would be so pleasant to kill Mr Weddle.
