
And you want us to let him go.
Is that right?

- Yes.
- Well...

- I'll let you know.
- You do not believe me.

I'll think about it.
Do you think it could possibly be true?
No Apache ever became a farmer yet.
Oh, them's my sentiments exactly.
But if just one Apache tries it...
what have we got to lose?

Our scalps, likely.
These young bucks are growin up fast.

Give em a leader like Massai
an watch out.

Massai isn't a chief.
He just sneaked across half of the USA.
They're bound to follow a man like that.

He's the last buck on earth
to make a successful farmer.

Right now he hates everybody,
and when an Apache hates,

he hates high, wide and handsome.
Well, all right.
Back to Florida.
That's your job, Weddle.
I've got a couple of your murderers

eatin' their heads off in my guardhouse.
- Take them along, too.
- The supply train comes next week.

Well, take 'em up to Holbrook.
Put 'em on the mainline.

Do you think you can find Holbrook?
And we don't want
any "clerical errors" this time.

Lace it a littlle?
