Build a fire.
I am weak.
We have not eaten in two days.
I do not have Massai's strength.
Build a fire!
Is it in your mind to kill me now?
I did not betray you, Massai.
The day Geronimo surrendered,
you wanted to die.
I wanted to die with you.
It would have been a great honour.
You came back from far away.
Weary from a journey that
no warrior had ever made before,
but not too weary to think of your people.
And i knew there had
never been a chief like Massai.
You looked at me and i was proud.
And when the soldiers took you,
I pleaded for you.
My father wronged you.
Many men have wronged you,
but now you make yourself
worse than they are.
Now there is nothing in you but hate.
You fight only for yourself.
You kill only for yourself.
You're like a dying wolf,
biting at its own wounds.