Cindy Lou!
Surprised to see me?
You can say that again.
Oh,Joe. I know
I ain't smart like you,
but if the way I feel
makes up for it,
then I is way ahead.
- How you been, honey?
- Missin' you. My ma said--
- She all right?
- Uh-huh.
When I got your letter,
she say, ""Cindy Lou,
you go seeJoe off.""
Would've come anyway.
Hey. Hey! Goin' to flyin' school's
nothing to cry about.
Either got to cry or bust.
I'm so proud of you.
- Come on this side and tell me that.
- Can't.
- Why not?
- Got no pass.
Just you watch.
Don't get into trouble
on account of me.
I never saw trouble
look better.
Hey, Corporal,
pass that civilian.
You're theJoe
she's looking for?
Nobody else.
- Why didn't you say you're his gal?
- All the way.
- [Factory Whistle Blows]
- Then you're responsible, all the way.
Hey, Dave, put away
my gear for me, will ya?
That Air Corps
sure was smart in pickin' you
for officers'
flying school.
Hi, Carmen.
Get a load of this
hip-swingin' floozie
rollin' around to work
in time for lunch.
you make sounds I don't like.
I'm tellin' the foreman
you is late again.
Do that, and I'll scratch out
the one good eye you got.
Carmen, go to Pastor's
with me tonight.
I can dance those
other guys off the floor.
T-Bone, you're too little
and too late.
I don't waste no time.
Dig me, baby?
You're wasting time
right now, Sergeant.
Wind's blowin' me
in another direction.
Ain't no use
arguin' with the wind.
Go with me instead
of playin' the field.