See that you're
right in there pitchin'
'Cause I ain't
de kind of a mare
Dat'll stand
without hitchin'
Now you got your little filly
at the startin' gate
Got a little filly
who is rarin' to go
[Train Whistle Blowing]
No, you don't.
I just want
to stretch my legs.
Well, stretch 'em
in here.
Boy, you's the roughest
of rough.
Won't even give me
a little break.
You're a prisoner.
You mean to say you're really
gonna take me to jail?
You won't be in
for long.
A minute's too long
for me.
I can't stand
bein' cooped up.
An order's an order.
Not here it ain't.
[Train Whistle Blowing]