Carmen Jones

You ain't like 'em
at all.

[Rooster Crows]
[Rooster Crows]
That little candy-faced gal
I seen you with in the canteen,

is she your steady?
How steady?
We're gettin' married...
soon as I get back
to the base.

So that's why you're
in such a hurry

to dump me off
in Masonville.

I'm right in the way
of your honeymoon,

but not for long.
Ain't no way
to get the mud off.

It's OK.
Good thing you're
gettin' married.

You need a gal to look
after you in the worst way.

I'll do it.
Only mess yourself.
Don't want to get
into trouble

with them army cops
in Masonville.

You'll never get
to flyin' school.

Bet when
the war's over,

you'll come home
with a chest full of medals.

And that gal,
what's her name?

Cindy Lou.
Yeah. She'll hand 'em out
to all your kids.

Better win
a lot of medals.

You and Cindy Lou'll
need 'em.

One every year.
No bunch of kids for me.
Not till I can take care
of'em real good.

Got that
all figured out, too?

I know I'm not goin' back
to the farm.

I'm goin' to school,
learn all about planes.
What you gonna do
when the war's over?

Parachute factory's
bound to close.

Comin' back here?
Maybe not.
I never figure
from one day to the next.
