Sorry, honey.
Like / to/d you,
/ cou/dn't stand
bein'cooped up in jai/.
/ gotta be free
to come and go,
or /'d just die.
Don't hate me,Joey,
'cause / /ove you
/ike / /oved no man
Left face!
OK, sit down.
Joe, honey,
I thought I'd never
see you again.
I tried,
and I asked...
They don't allow
no visitors
the first two weeks
in the stockade.
I'm sorry,
carryin' on like this.
I made myself promise
I wouldn't.
That's all right, Cindy.
How you been?
Just waitin'
to see you.
Won't help none,
you hangin' around.
Go home to your ma.
You want me to?
I was just thinkin'
of you, Cindy.
Home's where you is,
Are you all right,
How are they
treatin' you?
Fine, fine.
When you think
you'll get out?
Can't tell.
They'll still send you
to air school.
You'll see.
Truth is, Cindy--
I know.
Sergeant Brown told me.
But it don't
matter none.
I know you,Joe.
I know you're all done
with that gal.
Package for you.
Must be from my mom.
I wrote her to bake
something nice for you.