I don't care
what it costs.
Husky Miller
will sign the bill.
When he goes crazy
for a chick,
that chick starts lookin'
like a neon sign,
all lit up
with diamonds.
Diamonds ain't what
I want of a man.
If I love him, he don't
need no checkbook.
If I don't, a checkbook ain't
gonna do him no good.
Who's talkin'
about love?
We don't care what happens
between you and Husky
once you get
to Chicago.
He don't
appeal to you,
well, it ain't
nobody's fault.
It ain't that he
don't appeal to me.
He just rang my bell
when I'm busy.
Fooling around here,
when you got a chance
go to Chicago?
You gonna stay here
and sleep,
or you gonna wake up
and come with us?
I'm gonna wait
here forJoe.
You've been
waitin' a month.
Bet he don't
never show up.
He'll come, as soon
as they let him out.
In case you wise up
before the train pulls out,
here's a ticket for drawin' room ""A,""
right over the wheels.
You can hear yourself
click-clickin' to Chicago.
Ain't no use
wastin' it.
Just castin' the bread
upon the waters.
Brother and sisters,join the prayer
meetin' in drawin' room "" E.""
Don't let too much distance
come between you and that money.
Come on, girl.
[Horn Honks]