See ya.
[Knock On Door]
[Knock On Door]
What took you so long?
I had to wait for it.
All that time?
[Train Passing]
You been gone
ever since--
I got back as soon
as I could, honey.
It's a lot of stuff.
All you had was loose change
when you went out.
Where'd the rest
come from?
What's the difference?
I want to know.
Look, boy, don't go
puttin' me on no stand.
I don't answer
to nobody.
If you got nothin'
to hide...
Do you think I do?
What do you expect me
to think?
Why don't you tell me?
You think what you want.
I don't account
to no man.
You're accountin'
to me.
I love you, and that gives me
the right to--
That don't give you
no right to own me.
There's only one
that does,
and that's me. Myself.
Where you goin'?
I might come back.
Carmen, I'm sorry.
Carmen, will you--