That's enough, Husky!
That's enough!
That's enough!
The M.P.s!
Get out
the back way.
Go on.
You're comin' with me.
She ain't goin'
nowhere with you.
I said
we was washed up.
Why you helpin' me
to get away?
I can't stand nobody
bein' cooped up.
Right this way,
Just keep goin'.
Go on home.
Forget him.
Bait your hook
for fish you can fry.
How can I love a man
When I know
he don't want me?
He ain't been good
He ain't been kind
He give me up
For that old
roadside woman
But I can't drive him
from my mind
I's scared
O Lord, I's scared
I's like a leaf
that's lost her tree
I's alone
I's alone
He got hisself
another woman