Chikamatsu monogatari

No, it's to pay the interest
on the mortgage over our family home.
Our ancestral residence?
Yes. My loans to the courtesans
haven't yet been returned...

so to pay I've used...
one sum entrusted by another.
I'm begging you!
I've already found enough to pay
1/3 of the amount. I'm missing the rest.

If I don't have it all in 3 days,
I'll be arrested.

But you're crazy to have acted like this!
Madam your mother is here.
Don't tell her you've seen me!
I'll come back tomorrow.

I'm bringing Mr. Mohei his broth.
Answer if Madam calls.

O-Tama cares for Mohei
as if he were her husband!

I'd like to know what he thinks of her.
Then go ask Mr. Mohei!
Here is your wheat broth.
Thank you very much.
You mustn't get out of bed.
The work can't wait.
