They will both be crucified and
revealed before the eyes of the public.
Shame will befall them
and their families!
How dreadful women are!
If a Samurai does not punish
the adulterer himself,
he loses his rank and title.
Better to die by the hand of one's husband...
than to perish so shamefully!
Mohei !
You've recovered?
Thank you, Madam. I feel better.
Madam your mother...
Mrs. Gifuya has arrived...
is there something worrying you?
Why do you ask..?
No... everything's fine.
Men have the right to make mistakes...
but we crucify women for that.
What horrible injustice!
Watch what you say!
Why must they be crucified?
They didn't kill anyone.
They didn't steal anything.
It's true. How saddening!
Don't you feel sorry for them?
Of course I do. But no one must
break the law.
That's why we're punishing them...