Creature from the Black Lagoon

by seven different people. It's amazing all
the work that goes into making a movie.

Anyway, Alland's at Universal,
making picture after picture,

and he starts having ideas
for science-fiction movies.

He had the idea for It Came from Outer
Space and asked Ray Bradbury to write it.

Right about that same time,
maybe just a few weeks later,

he himself wrote up and submitted to the
studio a story called The Sea Monster.

It was just a three-page thing
where the first page told the story

of that real-life
dinner conversation with Figueroa.

Then he pitched the idea that he should
make a movie about that kind of monster.

He wanted it to start with a scene
of a dinner conversation,

like the one they'd had with Figueroa,
then go on to show an expedition entering
an unexplored region of the Amazon,

accompanied, of course,
by a beautiful blonde.

The man-fish spots the blonde
and gets a crush on her, and -

here's where Alland's imagination
ran away with him -

there was a bad guy on the expedition
who wants to catch the creature,

and he uses the girl as bait.
Alland's memo on The Sea Monster
ended by suggesting one of two endings.

In one, the girl is abducted, her boyfriend
rescues her and the monster gets killed.

In the other, the creature is captured
and brought to civilisation,

but it escapes and starts terrorising
a seaport on the South American coast.

Alland wrote "Needless to say,
the monster's end is brought about

by his desire for the blonde-haired girl
of the expedition."

Well, you know what that is.
That's King Kong.

Alland took the man-fish idea
from the conversation with Figueroa

and he got most of the rest
of his original story idea from King Kong.

When they made Creature, they used the
first ending where the creature is killed.

But a few months later Alland made
a sequel, Revenge of the Creature,

with the second ending.
The creature is brought to civilisation.

It escapes and abducts the girl it loves.
In Revenge of the Creature
it's a different girl, a different actress.

In Creature the girl is Julie Adams
but in Revenge it's Lori Nelson,

who, true to Alland's
original story, was a blonde.

I interviewed Alland back around 1995,
two years before he passed away.

At the time we talked I'd recently watched
Creature and Revenge back-to-back
