Creature from the Black Lagoon

On the first day of shooting,
Tuesday October 6, 1953,

the first shot was
the upcoming shot of the Rita

squeezing its way through
the opening leading to the Black Lagoon,

the paradise from which
no man has ever returned.

So Jack Arnold lines up his first shot
on the first day of the movie, and...

It's a blooper. What's that telephone pole
doing on the left-hand side of the screen?

Much as I'd like to, there may not be time
to talk about all of the actors in Creature.

I've got too much information here
about the production.

But one I have to
talk about is Julie Adams.

Other actresses made more
sci-fi movies in the '50s -

Mara Corday, Beverly Garland,
Faith Domergue, dozens of others.

Julie Adams just made the one.
But by appearing with the creature,

the most recognisable
of '50s movie monsters,

she jumped right to the front of the line.
She was born Betty May Adams in lowa,

and she wanted to be an actress
from the days of grade-school plays.

In California, to pursue her goal, she took
speech lessons to lose her lowa accent

and played roles in cheap westerns
for a little company called Lippert,

each of them made in less than a week.
At that point she was using her real name,

but at Universal she became
Julia Adams, and then Julie Adams,

and she co-starred in almost
two dozen movies there in the '50s.

A famous sculptor said she possessed
the most perfect legs in the world,

so Universal claimed they
insured her legs for $500,000.

That's an old publicity trick
that went back to the '40s -

Betty Grable's legs were insured
for a million. It's used today -

just the other day, Jennifer Lopez
insured her legs for 400 million.

Anyway, she had these great legs, never
seen in the western movies she made.

Universal gave her
the bathing-suit lead in Creature.

It instantly became her claim to fame, the
movie she's now best remembered for,

which is a "distinction"
that she takes with humour.

More humour at some times than others,
perhaps, but she's always a good sport.

She worked a lot in TV, including The
Jimmy Stewart Show, as Jimmy's wife,

Yancy Derringer, and a recurring part
on Murder, She Wrote.

She's still in front of the cameras today,
most recently in the documentary about
Creature which is at the end of this movie.
