Creature's underwater
photography was in 1953.
Keep in mind that 3-D was a new process
then with a lot of bugs to iron out,
and here's Universal trying to figure out
a way to take a 3-D camera underwater.
I think that's impressive enough,
but on top of that,
it had to be a portable
motion-picture underwater camera,
which was practically unheard-of then.
This was 1953, when virtually every
underwater scene in any movie to date
had been photographed by stationary
cameras or through glass tanks.
Universal shot some test footage
with this underwater camera
and showed it to Life magazine,
who were very impressed.
Maybe it gave someone
at Universal the idea
that a Life photographer, Peter Stackpole,
be asked to take a three-week
leave of absence from work,
go to Florida, and photograph
the underwater scenes for the movie.
Peter Stackpole was one of the
four original photographers for Life
and one of their top photographers, taking
lots of photos of film stars in Hollywood.
He was also enthusiastic
about underwater photography,
he was an expert swimmer and he had
cameras equipped for underwater filming.
Also in the back of Universal's mind
was the fact that
his participation would practically
ensure a layout on the movie in Life,
and Universal would get lots of stills
of the underwater sequences for their use.
I don't know if Stackpole
turned them down,
but the guy Universal hired to direct the
underwater shots was James C Havens,
and that's a funny story
that I'll save for later.
The underwater scenes of Creature
were shot at Wakulla Spring, Florida.
Movies had been shot there in the past,
Tarzan pictures, like Tarzan's Secret
Treasure from the old Weissmuller days.
The place was managed by
a fella named Newton Perry.
Our first look at Ricou Browning
as the creature.
Newton Perry was also involved with
Florida water shows and things like that.
He was known in Hollywood,
because when Universal decided to
shoot there, he was the man they called.
They asked Perry
if he knew of any swimmers,
and also if he knew any locations
where they might find something