..and their wives are widows.
(man) Our friends, Marcellus and Diana,
are with Him.
Let us not mourn them.
Let us rather envy them...
..that they could go joyfully
and with pride in the service of their belief.
Jesus spoke to us of death...
..the night he faced his own.
The night they took him before Pilate.
lt was our last supper together.
After we had risen from the table,
he washed our feet...
..and then he spoke.
He told us that in his Father's house
are many mansions,...
..that he went to prepare a place for us there.
''That where l am,'' he said,
''there you may be also.''
Our friends are in our Father's house.
Some day we'll all walkthat same road,...
..and at its end we'll find them.
Find our master...
..and his everlasting love.
- Amen.
- (crowd) Amen.
l know whatyou say is true, Peter.
But it's still in my mind that
only yesterday they were warm with life.
Young, breathing,...
- Now it's...
- They never doubted.
l'm sorry, Peter,...
..but l loved them so much.
Even Jesus himself on the cross
thought he was forsaken.
l remember.
Only you, of all of us here, have that memory.
You saw him on his cross.