Demetrius and the Gladiators

Do you knowthese objects?
Yes. They're my uncle and my cousin.
They made an attempt on my life.
What should be done with them?

- The penalty for such a crime is death.
- You have sentenced them.

Macro, take them out.
Sire, l claim my right of trial
before the Senate.

You've had your trial!
Let their heads be hung
in the Senate House as a reminder.

They said that l must die because
l aspire to be a god, because l'm mad.

- Butyou knew about their plan, didn'tyou?
- No, sire.

Don't lie to me!
l've heard who put them up to it.

There isn't a man in Rome who'd dare.
Butyou'd dare, Messalina.

You'd dare anything. Deny it!
- Deny it, l said!
- Sire, l didn't!

l'll give you witnesses to your treachery.
You, you'll swear she's guilty.

- Yes, sire.
- And you! And you! And you!

You hear?
l deny nothing, sire. But what l said
was falsely reported to you.

Do you deny saying that l aspire to be a god?
l said you are a god.
lsis herself revealed it to me in the temple.
That l'm a god?
She said the gods themselves
look upon you as one of them.

l spoke of this wonder in the court, but
your faithful courtiers laughed in my face,...

- ..the same who have accused me.
- ls this true?

- ls it true?
- (all) No, sire.

Liars! Traitors!
So, you deny that l am a god.
l'll hang your heads in the Senate House!
l'll have you torn to pieces!
