Dial M for Murder

For one thing, she wasn't in love
with me anymore.

There were phone calls which would
end abruptly if I happened to walk in.

There was an old school friend
who used to visit from time to time.

One day, we had a row.
I wanted to play in a
covered-court tournament...

...and, as usual,
she didn't want me to go.

I was in the bedroom. The phone rang.
It all sounded pretty urgent.
After that, she seemed rather keen
that I play in the tournament.

So I packed my kit into
the car and drove off.

I parked the car two streets away,
walked back in my tracks.

Ten minutes later, she came out
of this house and took a taxi.

I took another.
Her old school friend
lived in a studio in Chelsea.

I could see them through the studio window
as he cooked spaghetti over a gas range.

They didn't say much.
They just looked very natural together.

You know, it's funny how you
can tell when people are in love.

I went for a walk.
I began to wonder what would happen
if she left me.

I'd have to find some way
of earning a living, to begin with.

I suddenly realized how much
I'd grown to depend on her.

All these expensive tastes
I'd acquired while I was at the top.

Now, big tennis
had finished with me...

...and so, apparently,
had my wife.

I can't ever remember
being so scared.

I dropped into a pub
and had a couple of drinks.

As I sat in the corner,
I thought of all sorts of things.

I thought of three different
ways of killing him.

I even thought of killing her.
That seemed a far more sensible idea.
And just as I was working out
how I could do it...

...I suddenly saw something
which completely changed my mind.

I didn't go to that tournament
after all.

When I got back, she was sitting
exactly where you are now.

I'd told her I decided to give up tennis
and look after her instead.

-Well, as things turned out...
