I ' m sitting at the same bar, and I see
the same man standing at the end of the--
He came to me and said--
No, do sit down.
I have to run along.
Margot's not feeling too well.
-Nothing serious.
-You stay and enjoy yourself.
-I'll come.
No. It's perfectly all right.
--with which he was buying me
dry martinis....
Oh, Tony.
It's all right, darling.
It's all right. What happened?.
He put something around my throat.
-It felt like a stocking.
-Are you sure?. Let me see.
I got up to answer the phone,
and he came from behind the curtain...
...and tried to strangle me.
I almost passed out.
I felt the scissors in my hands...
...and then he let go suddenly,
and he fell on the floor.