Doctor in the House

Good afternoon.
Won't you be seated?
- May I continue?
- Oh, yes.

Thank you.
Your course here will be
for a minimum of five years.

Those of you
who at the end of that time

satisfy the examiners
you have sufficient skill

will receive your degrees and be
entitled to call yourselves "Doctor".

It will require the greatest
hard work, application

and serious-mindedness from you.
For your first two years
you will study biochemistry,
physiology, anatomy and pathology.

Three minutes shorter than usual.
Did he do female patients
and professional etiquette?

- I think he mentioned it.
- He must have speeded up.

- You heard it before?
- Three times.

Three times?!
You must be a very senior...

Not a bit.
I haven't passed an exam yet.

Oh, I'm terribly sorry. I...
Don't be. I always fail on purpose.
Shall we see the Padre?

- Is that what you usually do?
- That's what I do. Come on.

- Hello, Padre.
- Mr Grimsdyke. Nice to see you.

- Nice to see you. How are you?
- Fine, thanks.

- Good. Meet... What's your name?
- Sparrow. Simon Sparrow.

- Glad to meet you, sir. New?
- Yes.

I expect we'll be seeing a lot
of you. What'll it be, gentlemen?

- Two pints, please. Beer all right?
- Guinness.

Make one a Guinness, Padre. He's been
here years. Nobody knows his name.

- We call him the Padre.
- Why?

- Why? Shall we tell him?
- Yes.

the patients might get a bit upset

if the doctor
said he was popping to the pub,

but if he says he's going to chapel,
they're quite impressed.
