Doctor in the House

It's not a gracious living
but at least one
hasn't got to work for it.

I'm not partial
to anything strenuous, are you?

Chopsticks? One, two...
This demonstrates
that the faster the subject pedals,

the more oxygen he consumes.
Faster, lad. Put your back into it.
You've got to work! Work!

And that applies to you all.
You've all got to work.

And now drains, ladies and gentlemen.
Drains. Immensely important factors
in the health of the public.

I've studied them all my life.
You must, too,
to be efficient doctors.

There's only one thing more important
than drainage. What is that?

Come in.
- Well?
- It's moved up to my hip now.

Landlady's daughter.
Oldest joke in the world.

- She went too far.
- Women are all the same.

The psychiatric ward calls it
"behaviour pattern".

- I've given in my notice.
- I don't get why.

She sounds a good show,
if you like that sort of thing.

- Doesn't help your rugby.
- Found anywhere else?

- No.
- Do you drink beer in bed?

- No.
- Oh!

I'd ask you move in but
the domestic climate isn't congenial.

- I could learn to drink beer in bed.
- Ah!
