- Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.
Er, would you mind if I examined you?
- I'm all yours, Doctor.
- Oh, dear. Er...
It's 76. I just took it myself.
Oh, thank you.
Would you excuse me just a minute?
- You stuck, too?
- Yes. What page is appendicitis?
I've no idea.
I'm looking for the chest.
- What are you doing, Mr Briggs?
- I'm being examined, Nurse.
- Are you? By whom?
- Good afternoon, Nurse.
Now, I'd just like
to examine your chest.
It's my stomach that's wrong, Doctor.
Yes, of course it is.
Now, what are your symptoms?
nephrolithiasis and renal colic.
- Thank you very much.
- He has hammertoes, too.
Graham said the original diagnosis
was wrong, but I...
Forgive me, old boy, but aren't we
inclined to be talking shop?
- Oh, I'm sorry.
- Broaden your outlook, Simon.
- There are better things in life.
- Such as what?
- Such as that, for instance.
- Taxi! Taxi!
See what I mean?
- Taxi!
- Look out!
- There we are.
- Are you all right?
I think so. Aren't those roads hard?