What's the matter, Ruth?
Don't you think this is rather boring
for Mr. Carver on his last night?
Dick? He's practically one of the family.
It's pretty late.
- I'd better be getting along.
- You haven't finished your drink.
Now I have.
Thanks, John. Thanks for everything.
- Same here.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye, Ruth.
- We'll miss you.
Don't be nice to him.
Tell him he's an idiot to go. I did.
There's just the possibility I may be back.
I understand you can run out of money
pretty fast in Paris.
Do it as quickly as you can.
- Okay.
- Goodbye.
- All the luck in the world, Dick.
- Thanks.
My letters.
I forgot to give you my letters.
For a moment,
I thought you were going to ask me to stay.
Why should I interfere with your life?
Maybe you have already.
- Goodbye, Dick.
- Bye, Ruth.
If you should ever need me for anything...
you can always get in touch with me
at the American Express in Paris.
- If I should need you?
- That's right.
So long.
Where is it now? Where is it?