Elephant Walk

What's happened? John!
I can't get the bicycle free.
- What happened?
- He hit the wall.

Appuhamy, call the doctor at once.
- I'd say a few weeks in bed will do it.
- A few weeks?

I'm being optimistic.
It's a compound fracture.

But I can't lie here,
I've got a plantation to run!

Then you'll run it from your bed.
- If I can't trust you, I'll put you in traction.
- Traction.

I've got a new crop,
and the monsoons are due.

Unfortunately, the leg must stay there,
and you are attached to it.

- Very amusing.
- John, maybe your friends could help.

How? They're all fighting time
and the monsoons themselves...

and he picks this time to lay me up.
- Good night.
- You're a quack!

If you come in here,
I'll have you thrown out!

Master, please.
He never was a doctor. Few weeks!
He'll be a difficult patient.
He's his father's son.

Did you know John's father?
You see this scar?
Tom Wiley threw his water carafe at me
once when I said he had a temperature.

I can believe it.
You should get yourself some sleep,
young lady.

I'll be all right. Don't worry about me.
I've given your husband a strong sedative.
He'll rest very well.

There's no reason
why you shouldn't do the same.

- I will. I promise.
- Good.

- I'll be back in the morning. Good night.
- Good night.
