Garden of Evil

- I'm sure of it.
- You think not?

- He just said "he was sure of it."
- Relax, Daly.

It may not be as bad as you think.
We can fish in the mornings,
get drunk in the afternoons

and we can play cards at night.
- You might even get lucky.
- Like catching lighting in a bottle.

Fiske, you know what you can do
with a deck of cards?

You can tell my fortune.
Anything you like.
The Red Queen.
That means that...

What do you know.
- What's she saying?
- She's got a mine.

Her husband is trapped in a cave-in.
She wants help to get him out.

- She'll pay 1,000 dollars a man.
- There ain't a man at the bar.

Did you hear what I said?
Did you understand?

He just told us.
I offered them a thousand a piece.
I'll double it for any of you
if you'll help.

A man is lying out there hurt,
maybe dying. An American.

- If that isn't enough...
- The price is right.

- But, why is it so high?
- Is a man's life too high a price?

I didn't put the price on it,
you did.

I don't know what to do
or what to say.

- I've got to get help or he'll die.
- Lady, won't you sit down?

Why will none of them go
even for so much money?

None of them will go out there.
They're afraid of the Indians.

Are you?
You don't look afraid.

Ma'am, the thing I'm afraid off
still hasn't been found.
