Go to bed. We got enough trouble
without your problems. That's all.
- Is it? Is that all?
- You heard me.
What if I say it ain't all?
What if I say it ain't?
- Say what you want.
- All right. I'll say something.
Yeah, I think I'll say something.
I've had a gutful of you,
And I'll say it
the way I talk the best.
- Put that way, Daly.
- I've killed men like you before.
Yeah. I know about you.
You killed them
for rewards on their head
when nothing could be done
except give you the cash.
You shot them at tables
or in their beds.
Wherever their eyes were shut
or their backs turned.
I know about you.
I'll let you square yourself.
- Killing a man face to face.
- I'm telling you, Hooker.
I'm telling you!
I'm telling you!
Stop it.
Blame yourself.