You're right. A man should never
turn his back on you.
Not if he cared for his life.
But I'm a peculiar man.
I don't care.
You followed me,
didn't you?
If you want to know
where you're going, ask me.
You can tell the others too.
Tell them, that without me
they're nowhere, they're lost.
And when you're lost in this country,
you're dead.
Then you won't need that gun.
You underrated me, Hooker.
Don't do it.
I don't think I will.
It looked like a good thing.
It looked like a miracle.
A woman leading you
to a gold mine
in a country where nobody goes
and anything can happen.
- Go on.
- Did you imagine I thought
you were doing this
to save a man's life?
A miserable little thing
like a man's life?
- Are you?
- You don't think so?
I think so.
I think anyone would care
about a man's life being in danger,
especially if it was
in a gold mine.