All they can think about is killing Godzilla.
Why can't they try to study him
from a radiological perspective?
It's an unique opportunity!
Professor, I agree with them.
Ogata, I do not take this matter lightly.
Godzilla is something that no one
in the world has ever seen, and
only those of us in Japan can study it!
But professor, that's no reason to do nothing
while this monster ravages our country.
Isn't Godzilla a product of the atomic bomb
that still haunts many of us Japanese?
Don't you think we should study
what keeps a creature like this alive,
regardless of the radiation it absorbs!
All you want is to kill Godzilla too?!
Go away! Don't ever come back!
I'm very sorry.
No, I shouldn't have upset him like that.
No, father has been like this.
Emiko, give me a chance to see him again.
This is a special bulletin!
This is a special bulletin!
Godzilla was spotted moving toward the
coastline several minutes ago.
The barbed-wire fence along the
shoreline is about to be charged
with high voltage electricity. We repeat...
Direction, 25 to 30°!
Distance, 850!