The boss tells me to go get my time.
I wouldn't get discouraged.
Sometimes you lose a job
just to get a better one.
I don't know.
I just wanna think it over.
I mean, the whole thing over.
That's why I came here to the park.
I always think
I can think better in the park.
That's why I took my shoes off.
I always think better with my shoes off.
You ever notice that?
On or off, I have trouble.
But what I have to think about...
...is if I should stay in New York in
the first place, or else go back home.
I mean, you take New York.
You never meet anybody to talk to...
...unless it's somebody
you happen to know...
...or somebody fresh or looking
for something they're not entitled to.
It's an extremely unfriendly
If you only knew how long it took me
to save up the $ 1000.
- What $ 1000?
- That I saved up.
The reason I came to New York was
to try and make a name for myself.
And I haven't even
gotten started on it.
I'm getting nowhere.
You know what I mean?
Some people,
when they get to that point...
...where they realize
that they're getting nowhere...
...they just kill themselves.
But I don't feel like it.
Well, that is a fairly drastic step.
The only other thing is
to go back home.
Do the same thing
as everybody else.
Go back to work in the shoe factory.
Marry the first man that asks.
Or the second.
And then...
...goodbye "name for yourself."
Goodbye dreams.
In fact, goodbye, Charlie.
If you'll forgive me, Gladys...
...l'd better get back
to being gainfully employed.
- Thanks for the peanuts.
- You're more than welcome.