- Yes?
- What?
I want to see Mr. Pfeiffer, please.
- Who?
- Mr. Horace Pfeiffer.
- Isn't this his place?
- This is the Horace Pfeiffer Company.
But there is no Mr. Pfeiffer.
- Excuse me.
- Just what was this in reference to?
About the sign on Columbus Circle.
It says it's for rent.
Well, so who do I see in reference to it
if there's no Mr. Pfeiffer like you say?
Well, one moment.
Well, that's Mr. Entrikin.
Walk down the hall and turn left,
on the floor below.
No, no. I don't want
the average space.
Give me the exact footage
on each location.
What was that? All right, go ahead.
Good morning. Have a chair.
Thank you.
Go ahead.
It's about the sign space you have
for rent over there in Columbus Circle.
How many? All right.
Oh, yes, the double bulletin board.
I don't know what you call it.
It's pretty big, all right.
Right. I'll take it up with C.D.
Yes, that's available.
How much do you charge to rent it?
Well, now, just whom
do you represent?
Oh, just myself.