Anybody suggested to me
that this Gladys Glover thing...
...was gonna mushroom like this,
I wouldn't have believed it.
That's just the point.
We're more or less responsible
for starting the whole promotion.
- So why don't we get the benefit of it?
- What's the angle?
The average American girl.
There's a lot of penetration there.
Something the customer
can identify with.
Right. It's a whole new approach
to the endorsement angle.
Who endorses products now?
Movie stars, opera singers,
debutantes, six-day bicycle riders.
The whole thing's been done to death.
How's this?
"Stars use it. Celebrities too.
But more important...
...it's the favorite of average American
girls such as Miss Gladys Glover."
- I don't think she's so average.
- Why not?
- Because she's unusual.
- That's what you don't seem to realize.
The average American girl
is unusual.
- How's that again?
- Exactly.
- He's got something there, B.P.
- Wait a minute. Wait.
I see a big campaign...
...with photographs by,
say, Con Cooley.
That's enough.
That's it.
Not too languorous.
Now, give us a smile.
Keep it "Glover." That's it.
Good, good. Hold it.
Now, let's have the pose.
Now, let's have the smile.
That's good. That's fine.
Plenty of movement now.
That's it. Winter sports!
Smile again.