On the Waterfront

What do you do now?
Like Big Mac said, come back tomorrow.
Tomorrow? No ship tomorrow.
I've been standing here for five
straight mornings and that bum there...

-Come on, get out of here!
-...looks right through you.

-I'm sorry, Father, I didn't mean it.
-What do you want to do?

Come on, let's go get a ball.
Wait a minute.
ls this all you do, just take it like this?

What about your unions?
No other union in the country'd
stand for a thing like that.

The waterfront is tougher, Father,
like it ain't part of America.

-Do you know how a trigger local works?
-No. How?

You get up in the meeting, you make a
motion, the lights go out, then you go out.

That's how it's been since Johnny
and his cowboys took over the local.

Name one place where it's safe
to talk without getting clobbered.

-The church.

The bottom of the church.
You know
what you're letting yourself in for?

You got a cigarette on you?
Right over there.
-You working hard?

You wouldn't mind working once in a while
to justify this lofty position, would you?

I finished the work.
I counted all them bags.

We have an extra detail for you.
That's if you don't mind
being disturbed or anything.

The priest and this Doyle girl are getting
a meeting up together down at the church.

We want a rundown on the names
and the numbers of all the players.

Wait a minute. All right, you're nominated.
Why me, Charley?
I feel funny going down there.
