On the Waterfront

-Maybe I will one of these days.
-One of these days.

Now, listen, you know who the pistols are.
Are you going to keep still
until they cut you down one by one?

Are you?
Dugan! How about you? Are you?
One thing you have to understand,
Father, on the dock...

...we've always been D and D.
-D and D? What's that?
-Deaf and dumb.

No matter how much
we hate the torpedoes, we don't rat.

Rat? Now boys, get smart.
I know you're getting pushed around,
but there's one thing...

...we have in this country,
and that's ways of fighting back.

Getting the facts to the public.
Testifying for what is right against
what is wrong.

What's ratting to them is telling the truth
for you, can't you see that?

Can't you see that?
lt seems to me we've gone just about
as far as we can at this time.

I think you'll agree with that, Father.
So, I'd like to close with a few words
from St. Matthew:

''Come unto me all you--''
What did I tell you
about sticking your neck out.

-This is a police problem, not ours.
-These people need help.

Okay. Only don't blame me when
they ship you off to Abyssinia.

I won't.
You better go home in pairs.
Twos is two, you know.

Come on.
