On the Waterfront

I just mean to tell you that you're,
you grew up very nice.

You don't remember me, do you?
I remembered you
the first moment I saw you.

By the nose, huh?
Some people just got faces that
stick in your mind.

I remember you were in trouble
all the time.

Now you got me.
The way those sisters used to whack me,
I don't know what.

They thought they was going to beat
an education into me, but I foxed them.

Maybe they just didn't know how
to handle you.

How would you have done it?
With a little more patience and kindness.
That's what makes people
mean and difficult.

People don't care enough about them.
Are you kidding me?
I'd better get you home.
There's too many guys around here
with only one thing on their mind.

Am I going to see you again?
What for?
I don't know.
I really don't know.
Come on.
You're all packed. Here's your bus ticket
and you're on your way back to St. Anne's.

I'm not ready to go back yet, Pop.
Edie, for years your mom and me
put quarters in the cookie jar...
