River of No Return

Very high-toned and fancy.
Not like mine.

l like yours.
Would you sing one?
l might have one for you, if l can remember it.
lt was a long time ago.
When Mr South Wind sighs in the pine
Old Mr Winter whimpers and whines
Down in the meadow
Under the snow
April is teachin' green things to grow
When Mr West Wind howls in the glade
Old Mr Summer
Nods in the shade
Down in the meadow
Under the brook
Catfish are waitin' for the hook
Old Lady Blackbird flirts with the scarecrow
Scarecrow is wavin' at the moon
Old Mr Moon makes hearts everywhere go
Bump, bump
With the magic of June
All right, come and get it.
When Mr East Wind
Shouts overhead
Then all the leaves
Turn yellow and red
Down in the meadow
Corn stalks are high
Pumpkins are ripe and ready for pie
l look atyou and l can't see you becomin'
a farmer. Anything else l might believe.

- l'll try and struggle along withoutyou.
- Some more coffee?

What do they do with the gold
after they find it?

- They make money out of it.
- Why do they use gold?

- Because it's hard to get.
- Why don't they use something easy to get?

lf something's easy to get, people
don't care about it. They don't value it.
