River of No Return

Go on outside.
Go on, you got a kid out there.
Harry, what are you doing?
l'm taking the gun, Calder,
and l'm borrowing the horse.

Get it.
Get it and no one will get hurt.
Mark, go ahead. Do what he says.
- No.
- Do it.

This'll only take a few days,
then we'll be back.

- Take the boy with you.
- Boy? What for?

lndians, Weston. You've got the rifle.
Take the boy with it.

l can't do that, Calder. l'm in a hurry.
This can mean a fortune to me.

- lt can mean his life.
- Get some food in a bag.

Let the boy get it.
Saddle the horse.
Harry, we don't have to do this.
lt's just a few days.

- lt doesn't matter that much.
- Yes, it does.

Four or five days might not
make any difference to a farmer,

but they do to me.
l'm not stealin' anything.
l'm just borrowin' it.

You'll get paid plenty for the faith.
A fistful of money in the hand's as good
as a fistful of wheat in the ground.

(Mark) Matt! Matt!
- (Kay) Look out, Mark, the gun!
- (gunshot)

Matt! Matt!
- Come on, let's get outta here.
- You've killed my dad!
