River of No Return

lf it wasn't for Weston,
l'd be asleep in the bunk in my cabin.

Can'tyou get some sleep?
Just so he does. That's what matters.
- l don't know what happened to me there.
- You're just hungry.

Sometimes men have eaten
worms and grubs and roots.

- You read that in a book.
- l ate a worm once,

but l was very young then.
Last week in tent city, l ate a sirloin steak.
l was a lotyounger then, myself.
He's asleep now.
We'll let him sleep.
lt wouldn't be anything if we had a rifle.
He'd just hunt something and kill it.
He's a fine shot.

Why did he kill a man?
Sometimes you can't help it.
Sometimes it's to save your own life.
