That's about 10 pounds.
- How much is beaver worth this year?
- Six dollars a pound.
I'll trade you for a new plow...
...two tubs of lard,
a barrel of molasses...
...25 pounds of chewing tobacco.
And you wouldn't have a wife under the
counter? I'm looking for a wife.
- Any special brand?
- Well, yes.
I like a widow woman
that ain't afraid to work.
There's me and my six brothers.
Place is like a pigsty,
and the food tastes worse.
So I made up my mind. The next time
I come into town, I'll get a wife.
That's a fine thing, I must say!
Thinking you could trade for a wife
like a bag of meal.
No, ma'am.
I wouldn't say that, ma'am.
None of our gals is going to go off
to bear country with you...
...to cook and wash and slave
for seven slumocky backwoodsmen!
There's 10 men
for every woman out here.
You want a wife,
go back east.
There's no unmarried females
in this town?
Good morning, Mrs. Bixby.