Roll your eyes
And heave a little sigh
Grunt and groan
Like you're about to die
That is what's known as emotin'
Goin' courtin'
-How about sparkin'?
-Parlor's darkened?
And you're longin'
for a fond embrace?
-What about pettin'?
-And sofa settin'?
Suppose she ups and slaps your face?
Just remember, blessed are the meek
Don't forget to turn the other cheek
Pretty soon you'll both be larkin'
Goin' sparkin'
-Goin' dancin'
-Goin' dancin'?
At a fancy ball or minuet
May I?
Goin' dancin'
You'll impress them with your etiquette
Now you two try it. Come on!
You mean, men are learning
how to dance?
Yes, it came direct
from Paris, France
It will help with your romancin'
Goin' dancin'
Come on, now. You follow us.
Down, up.
Down, up.
Come on, this way.
Step to the right.
Then to the left.
Make a turn.
Now weave in and out.
I love dancing!
Now, boys!
-Keep your dancin'!
-And huntin'!
-And shootin'!
-And fightin'!
And trappin'!
'Cause we're goin'...