- Alice!
- Mil, I've missed you so.
I've missed you all so much.
I baked some things
for the collation.
We'll take them over.
I'd be pleasured if you'd allow me.
Why, thanks.
- We'll all help carry them.
- I couldn't let a lady heft that.
- Can we help?
- Please.
Allow me, ma'am.
If you'll just follow me.
To the ends of the earth.
Afraid that's all.
Sorry, that's all.
May I escort you back?
You know, you're the prettiest girl
I ever acquainted.
May I escort you to the ball, ma'am?
It wouldn't hurt you to learn some
manners too.
What do I need manners for?
I already got me a wife.
Come on,
get your partners!
There's gonna be dancing.