He is terrific!
A man interested only
in perfecting his skill
So his answer was "No!"
Too bad!
I told him where
to find me, though
And you?
I caught one
His fencing is... second class
But, quite a character
A cheerful fellow
Good company in adversity
Much obliged
I caught one too,
to tell you the truth
That one dressed like a peddler?
Yes. He was my right
hand man for years
I'll bring clean water
I'm Heinachi Hayashida, a fencer
of the Wood Cut School
Well, three more to find
Can't take a kid
I know
I know your line
I was a young man like you, once
"Train yourself
"Distinguish yourself in war
"Because somebody,
maybe a war lord!"
But, time flies
Before your dream materializes
you get gray hair
By that time,