Pidge! Pidge, you shouldn't
walk out when I'm talking to you.
I thought you
were finished.
The boy's just
disappointed, that's all.
Dad, please stop interfering.
First you take him out of the
Highcliff Cub Scouts, and then...
Pidge, go to your room.
I'll have this old set perkin' in a minute
son; then we'll watch the ball game.
Dad, I've had this
for the last time.
Ellen, you're a grown-up girl. You got a
problem you haven't worked out.
That's no reason why Pidge
should have your problem.
I've only done
what I thought was right.
I read about an experiment once.
Kept germs away from a kid.
Raised him pure and scientifically.
First time he went out,
he caught cold
and died of pneumonia.
What has that to do with Pidge?
The kid hadn't been exposed,
he had no immunity.
There's cruelty, hatred and tyranny
in the world. You can't ignore it.
Pidge's gonna' learn about
the law, so's he can defend it.
Defend it? So he can become a soldier
and be murdered like his father?
My son was killed in the
performance of his duty, Ellen.
Duty, being blown to bits on
some god-forsaken battlefield,
thousand of miles from where
he was born. You call that duty?
Yes Ellen.
Well, is that what you'd like for Pidge?
Would that make you happy?
If Pete could hear you now,
he'd be ashamed of you.
How can you say
a terrible thing like that?
The old boys wrote the words: 'Life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. '
They sounded mighty nice, but they
wouldn't have been worth a nickel,
if somebody hadn't
made 'em stick.
Grandpa! Grandpa!
Look out the window! Golly!
What is it?
Coming down from Wetherby,
a whole lot of state troopers, see 'em?