Sure cut it fine.
You couldn't possibly be surprised
with those sirens blasting.
- So I tried to beat 'em.
- State troopers, right on time.
Oh, they're good.
- The best, alright Bart, follow me.
- Ok.
There are two routes
to the White Springs Ranch:
Over the mountains, or you
can go down to the main highway,
go into Three Rivers, the ranch
is about 20 miles further out.
We'll stick to the main highway.
Too much chance for an ambush
in those mountains. Yes Haggerty?
We could use a roof watch on those
stores Chief, and a street check.
Mr. Carney, every proprietor in this
town has been here at least five years.
I know them, I know their kids.
It's not that sheriff; it's the stranger that
might use one of those stores for cover.
I'd like them to lock up at 4:50,
stay locked up until 5:10.
- Oh, and put a man on the roof too.
- Alright Bert, give 'em the word.
No one is to remain in
those stores at locking time,
anyone seen inside after 4:50,
might be shot on sight.
- Like the man says it's important.
- Yes Sir.
Tell Wilson to keep the station clear.
Schultz will take over troopers
and block off traffic approaches
from 4:30 onwards.
Right. There's another hazard Sir.
A house up on the hill.
Yeah, I know.
I'll check that one myself.
Yes Sir.
Tod, what the Hades
is going on in this burg?
Did some Galoot make
a uranium strike?
Not exactly. Now look Slim you take
over here and we'll catch up later.
Keep all pedestrian traffic off
the main street from 4:30
between Oak and Alder,
the state boys will help 'ya,
if anybody in town squawks,
why you smooth things over.
They know you, and this is
going to seem strange to them.
I'm confused myself, never have seen
so many cops. What goes on?