
Alright, boy,
get ready to plug this set in

while I hold this screw down
and see what happens.

Dad, are you sure you
know what you're doing?

Ellen, please.
But it says on the back that there's
5000 volts, and that's dangerous.

Ellen, please stop being a woman...
Ready boy, plug in.

Dad! Dad! Are you alright?
I guess I'm alright, it scared
the pants of me, that's all.

Golly, look at this.
I guess maybe
you'd better call Jud, huh?

- That was a close call, boy.
- How much is 5000 volts?

- Enough.
- It would kill you?

It would probably pick you up
and toss you across the room.

Unless you were standing in a puddle
of water, then you'd be grounded.

And if you were grounded, it'd
kill you deader than a doornail.

Would it hurt?
Like blazes. You stay away from that
set now, and from those wall plugs.

Don't monkey with electricity unless
you know what you're doing.

- Why did you, Grandpa?
- You got me there, boy.

I'll get it. Jud says he'll be up
in a little while.

- I'm sorry.
- Honestly...

- Yes?
- Mrs Benson?

- That's right.
- Is your husband at home?

My hus...
No I'm a widow.

What I should have asked was,
are you the owner of this house?

No I'm not. It belongs to my
father-in-law. What is it you want?

I'm John Baron, special agent,
Federal Bureau of Investigation.

These are my men.
Do you suppose I could have
a few words with Mr. Benson?

Just a moment,
won't you come in? Dad!

- Oh, how are you gents?
- John Baron, special agent.

- For heavens' sake. FBI?
- May we come in?

Why sure, come right in and
make yourselves at home.

- Thanks.
- Not at all.

I get quite a kick out of this, used to be
with the Treasury Department myself.

- Back in the old days.
- Collector of Internal Revenue, eh.

Tax Collector, not on your life.
Secret Service.
