Look just go about your business, like
it was any other Saturday afternoon.
Read your papers, watch TV,
anything, but nobody leaves the house.
- Something fishy about all this.
- It's official business.
What sort of official business?
Mr Benson, as a former agent of the
Secret Service, you should understand.
Either I'm getting old
and stupid, or else I'm...
At 5pm, the President
will arrive in town on a special...
- What?
- Golly!
The President,
well that's different.
You mean the President's
gonna' get off the train here?
That's right.
we gotta' see it.
That's the greatest thing ever
to happen to this town.
Can we go down
and see it Gramps? Can we?
Sorry kid, no! Benny, bring in
the gear. Put the car out back.
Bart, you see the back door's
locked tight and check the cellar.
I still don't understand.
Mr Benson, if anyone wanted to kill the
President, he could do a beautiful job,
right from this window of yours.
For the love of Mike, that may be true,
but you don't think that Ellie and me...
Of course not,
but we have to remain here
to protect you and the President,
from someone who might.
- Carney?
- Yeah.
Is all this checking routine?
Looks like you expect this town to...
Sheriff, have you noticed any strangers
in town during the past week.
- No.
- Are you sure?
Yes I'm sure. I know everybody here.
The only strangers we get are tourists.
We get 'em all the time, stopping
for gas, a bite to eat. That's all.
We wanna' know from you
or your deputies, if any stranger stays!
- Then this isn't routine.
- No it isn't.