Train muffled it...
Get rid of him. Put him in the cellar.
And you'd better take the rug with you,
it's a give-away...
You get the message,
brave boy?
Mom! Mom!
Pidge, you've gotta'
be still, no noise.
- You stink!
- Pidge shut up!
- Guts.
- He's only eight.
Lots of guts.
No trouble with you,
you're all busted up.
Alright, take care of her.
You got it now, let's be practical.
I don't want any more
shooting around here.
I want it nice and quiet and cosy.
Now get her up and bring her around
and explain to her that one phoney
and she's got a kid with his throat cut.
Doesn't make much noise that way.
The same goes for you too.
Anybody step out of line...
The boy!
That's simple enough.
Ellen, listen to me. Pay attention. Now
listen to me and don't look like that.
Everybody's alright. Get a hold of
yourself. No matter what happens,
you've got to hang on.
If you scream, or make one
false move, he'll murder the boy.