
Are you guys crazy?
You can't do a thing like that.

- Sit down, reckless.
- Don't you realise what that means?

That's assassination;
he's your President too.

Make a deal with 'ya boy.
We kill you instead of the President.

That's even steven. Okay with you?
Thought not. Anybody else wanna'

take the heat
off the President?

- How about you sheriff?
- It's a bad joke, Baron.

Anybody else wanna' volunteer?
They're commies;
they're enemy agents.

- Alright, who is behind it Baron?
- I haven't the slightest idea.

- What's in it for you?
- You're curious, aren't you sheriff?

While I last.
I like you sheriff. You've got guts.
You must have been a good soldier.

I got by.
- I won a Silver Star.
- That's pretty good.

- Killed 27 Jerries all by myself.
- You're a born killer, that's all.

When you get real good
at something, you're a murderer.

Yeah, over there you can knock over
a whole platoon, or a guy invents

a bomb and kills 100000 people, just
like that and maybe gets more medals.

Here you put a slug
in a double-crossing squirt

that isn't even worth burying
and you have to take the gas.

I got no feeling against the President;
I'm just earning a living.

By treason.
Ace shoots craps. Don't give me
that politics jazz, it's not my racket.

I don't even know who's paying me
and I don't want to know.

What's the difference?
Didn't it occur to you
why they want you to do it?

Yes, but that makes them suckers not
me. I'm the guy, who's gettin' it made.

Listen sheriff, a man can stand only for
so much. Before the war, I drifted

and drifted and ran, always lost
in a big crowd. I hated that crowd.

I used to dream about
the crowd once in a while.

I used to see all those faces scratchin'
and shovin' and bitin' and then the mist

would clear and somehow
all those faces would be me.

All me and all nothin'.
But the war changed everything,
eh Baron?
