
I'm no traitor, sheriff.
I won a Silver Star.

And learned how to kill.
Yeah, maybe I did.
Maybe that changed everything.

Maybe people began
to know who I was.

After the show, I hooked up
with an outfit for good dough.

The finger said where and how much
and Johnny Baron did the job.

You think anybody else could handle
it? Like Benny or Wheeler without me?

You're talkin' too
much, Johnny.

Nobody else can do this job,
because they've got too much feeling

and feeling's
no good.

I got nothing against
the President, sheriff.

He's just worth half a million
bucks to me, tax-free.

Makin' my own laws
about the taxes too, Pop.

- The guy is goofy.
- Shut up, Jud.

Listen to him, buster. And
don't ever say that again. Ever!

You heard him, Jud.
A half million dollars, huh?

Yeah, that's a lot of scratch, sheriff.
A man could retire on that amount.

- How do you know it will ever be paid?
- Half of it's been paid.

- And the rest?
- I'll get it.

I wouldn't be sure. It's not just
a man; it's the President.

That's what's so funny.
The laugh is on the guys
who're paying the freight.

All this loot and they don't
even know what they're doing.

Half a million clams for absolutely
nothing, because tonight at 5pm,

I kill the president and at 5:01
there's a new president.

What changes? Nothing.
What are they paying for? Nothing.

Otherwise I wouldn't have
taken the job, sheriff.

You'd have taken it.
You think so?
