The Country Girl

In one split second,
he sees himself for what he is.

You don't have to plummet like a
hailstone to face that split second.

Mean it, Frank.
...plummet like a hailstone
to face that split second.

It can come to you as it did
to me today. As you stand...

- What is it?
- " a smouldering field."

As you stand in a smouldering field
and see your hopes go up in smoke.

This is the most important
decision in the man's life.

It sounds like he's deciding
what to have for breakfast!

That goes for the rest of you, too.
I'm sorry, but I'm still
fighting these words.

We've been in rehearsal ten days.
Let's take it from...

- Bernie.
- It can't be that late.

Where does it go? Knock off.
Same time tomorrow.

We'll start with this scene.
- See you tomorrow.
- Good night.

- Do you need me for anything?
- No.

- You want me to turn off the border?
- Yeah. Good night.

I'm sorry about the words.
I've had a lot of things on my mind.

I know you have.
Every time I give a direction,
you're off in space somewhere.

You can be great, but it demands
your concentration and energy.

I know. I keep telling myself that.
After rehearsal,
I go home to study and...

You've got headaches enough.
Good night.

- Frank? Having trouble at home?
- No, nothing like that.

- Don't you believe me?
- Everyone has trouble at home.

The ones who deny it
are those that have too much of it.

I denied it for five years
with the former Mrs Dodd.
