The Country Girl

I thought it would be kind of nice
and natural if I was in the crowd.

No, it's all wrong.
The words lose importance.

He's asking these people
to have faith in him, to trust him.

He's accepting responsibility for
their future. It's got to be important.

We'll rehearse it tomorrow.
I just wanted to tell you about it.

We've got one more shot where
you're here looking at the poster.

Yell when you're ready.
Turn your head towards the poster.
- Would you look at the poster?
- Yeah, sure.

- Hold it.
- Put your hands on the record.

Hold it.
- Frank, what's the matter?
- I got a cold.

I've got some stuff in the room.
I'll be right back.

- All finished?
- No.

Frank, I don't like that cough syrup.
- Why not? It's a buck a bottle.
- You can read labels.

It's 22% alcohol. I'll get you
some lemon and honey in the morning.

Cook didn't come back after the show.
No, he didn't.
I'm glad I got that two-weeks clause.
I can quit any time I want.

Why should I care? They don't.
The producer doesn't come back
after the show...
